Friday, July 24, 2009

Letter to the Editor

The days of common sense and equal treatment under the law are over.

Recently, I traded business for the public school classroom. To become a teacher, I took a series of exams, was fingerprinted and passed a background check, and provide proof of identity.

Between graduate school and being hired by a district, I was fingerprinted three times. I had to show I was competent, trustworthy and safe. That's why I provided my work history, college transcripts and other documents as proof.

Barack Obama, "Leader of the Free World,” is responsible for exponentially more than teachers: setting foreign, policy, commandeering the auto and health industries, solving global warming—not to mention commanding our armed forces with all their personnel, equipment, and weapons…

Nuclear weapons.

Yet, Obama was neither fingerprinted nor subject to one background check. Not only has he refused to show his college transcripts, he's hired numerous lawyers to keep them secret. He hasn’t produced his birth certificate. (Sorry, that posted on the Internet is widely agreed to be a digital forgery.) And while Congress deliberated on John McCain’s citizenship status, Obama’s remains shrouded in mystery (so much for transparency).

I’ll be fingerprinted again in the fall when I start teaching for another school district. They'll want my transcripts, resume and birth certificate. Meanwhile, Obama continues to stonewall America about his African roots and other personal facts.

Think: Obama is neither qualified nor authorized to teach in public school, yet he has been given the keys to the White House and the cipher code to one of the world’s largest nuclear arsenals.

Has he provided sufficient proof he is competent, trustworthy or safe? Would we let him teach our children?

Yet he is leading our country to God knows where.

Equal treatment and common sense, anyone?

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